Friday 6 September 2013


There are many different ways to teach nursery rhymes to children. Once teacher introduced a rhyme, children could sing alone with her. Encourage children to listen and repeat the rhymes for several times.
Printable nursery rhyme worksheets are one of the literacy tools that help children to learn these rhymes well.

Here I selected 6 well-known NURSERY RHYMES which are popular among young learners to make my first collection of nursery rhymes worksheets. These worksheets are highlighted with colors, count and write, Circle the odd one, write missing letters,  and more.

First 6 Nursery Rhyme worksheets are:

1. Chook….Chook……

2.  ABCD Alphabet Rhyme

3. Rain Rain Go Away


5. Chubby Cheeks

6. The farmer plants the seeds

Are you ready to download? Click Here  OR  My TPT Store

Please feel free to print and use for your children. I would love to know, whether my printables are useful to you. Kindly spend few seconds and leave me a comment. It’s always appreciated!
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